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Protein Cheese Crackers - Smoked

Nutrition Value

Prep time:  10 minutes

Baking time: 10 minutes

Number of servings: 5 portions

Nutrition Value 1

Kcal 242 kcal

Protein 16.2g

Carbs 7g

Fat 16.6g

protein crackers

If you’re stuck for lockdown lunch ideas this protein cheese cracker recipe could be a real game changer!  

A tasty, yet nutritious chips and dip alternative or, when you cut the crackers larger, you can top them with your choice of topping for a protein boosted take on the open sandwich.

Crackers Ingredients

1 cup smoked cheese

1 scoop Pea Protein Unflavoured

1tbsp Nutritional Yeast

1tsp salt

1tsp garlic powder

1tsp smoked paprika

2tbsp Nutristrength coconut oil, melted

1/3 cup oat flour

4tbsp water


Crackers Method

  1. Mix all ingredients together

  2. Tip onto a flat surface and roll out the dough into a flat shape.

  3. Using a pizza cutter or a sharp knife, cut the dough into squares of the desired size.

  4. Bake the crackers on a greaseproof paper-lined baking tray at 190°C for 10 minutes.

  5. Remove from the oven and cool for an additional 10-15 minutes before serving. Enjoy!

How will you eat yours? Their cheesy flavour pairs perfectly with cream cheese or hummus. Alternatively, they make a great snack on their own as a nutritious substitute for crisps or other unfilling snacks.

Give them a go and let us know what you think when you #ExploreSomethingNew.